Sunday, April 20, 2008

Baby Shower

A couple of coworkers/great friends threw us a baby shower at Honda recently. We had a great time.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

31 Weeks!

Baby is growing so quickly. Those kicks that were so cute have now drawn "what the..." remarks but I still love 'em. His nursery is coming along. Can't wait!!

95 Degree Days... I Love California

Yesterday morning we walked on the beach. Today Fredo sleeps in after staying up all night playing with his new computer and I'm ready to go walking before the feet start to swell up. Otherwise, it's too hot for sewing or organizing or, well anything.

Posting some shots of my meager garden. All of these shown (with exception of the herbs) are rewards from guerilla gardening... aka nipping off pieces of poeple's plants as I pass by and bringin' home. I've always been a perennial gal but they grow much too quick here in So-Cal for a patio garden. Succulents it is for now.

Monday, April 7, 2008

30 Weeks!

Little Enzo is getting strong. His kicks and punches make mom wonder if he is trying to escape the womb. Rest assured if he does he now has a crib and mattress waiting for him!